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Just as our IC interests appeals to a wide range of people, so does our events. We try to do a bit of everything, so everyone can do what they enjoy. That includes: PvE,

RP-PvP, cross faction, Public Events/Festivals, DnD, social gatherings, and so on. Below some of the events will be explained in further detail.

Since our main goal and purpose both ICly and OOCly is to get the community together, strengthen it, and to help others, we do a lot of RP events. We do one “large” RP public event every month, usually with around fifty or more people attending each time. They always have a different theme and purpose. We may be celebrating a holiday, or doing a cultural festival, or a competition – the list goes on. We also hold smaller public events, that don’t require as much planning. Such as small fireworks shows and other social-type gatherings.

Go on epic adventures, quests, and be heroes! Also known as D20 events, this will be shaped after Dungeons and Dragons, though not identical to it. We wanted an interesting, different and rewarding DnD event system that would be new, fresh, and a lot of fun. We’re doing our own “leveling” system for guild members ICly (though not mandatory) for only DnD events, that will have benefits regarding to which rank you are in, and there are rewards for each level you get – both for your character “stats” and actual obtainable items in game. More information on this can be found on our forums.

We’re not a raiding guild, but we do still try to do PvE from time to time. Whether that’s current content like heroic dungeons, scenarios, and LFR – or – old content for transmog runs, achievement runs, and so on.

Although most of us aren’t huge PvPers, we try to get involved with as much as we can. Especially if it’s a large event that the community is involved in. So we always do what we can to help or be part of the RP-PvP campaigns.

We try to fit everyone’s wants in needs within reason. We also try to do new and interesting things. We’re always open to doing events from guilds and other people from both Horde and Alliance factions – so cross faction or inter-guild events are always welcome! Of course, we do plenty of small, private events for just guilds members. Whether that’s guild meetings, social gatherings, adventures, treasure hunting, and so on. Our members are always welcome to offer ideas for events, or host their own!

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